Toynbee "Cacciaguida, summarized entry"
the great-great-grandfather of D., of whose life nothing is known beyond what D. himself tells us; viz. that he was born in Florence ([Par. xv. 130-133]) in the Sesto di Porta san Piero ([Par. xvi. 40-42]) about the year 1090 ([Par. xvi. 34-39]); that he belonged (possibly) to the Elisei, one of the old Florentine families which boasted Roman descent ([Par. xv. 136]; [Par. xvi. 40]); that he was baptized in the baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence ([Par. xv. 134-135]); that he had two brothers, Moronto and Eliseo ([Par. xv. 136]); that his wife came from the valley of the Po, and that from her, through his son, D. got his surname of Alighieri ([Par. xv. 91-94], [Par. xv. 137-138]); that he followed the Emperor Conrad III on the Second Crusade, and was knighted by him ([Par. xv. 139-144]), and finally that he fell fighting against the infidel about the year 1147 ([Par. xv. 145-148]).

D. places Cacciaguida in the Heaven of Mars among those who fought for the faith (Spiviti Militanti), [Par. xv. 135]; his spirit is spoken of as astro, [Par. xv. 20]; gemma, [Par. xv. 22]; lume, [Par. xv. 31, 52]; spirto, [Par. xv. 38]; luce, [Par. xvi. 30] [Par. xvii. 28, 121]; santa lampa, [Par. xvii. 5]; anima santa, [Par. xvii. 101]; specchio beato, [Par. xviii. 2]; fulgor santo, [Par. xviii. 25]; el, [Par. xviii. 28]; alma, [Par. xviii. 50]; he is addressed by D. as vivo topazio, [Par. xv. 85]; voi, [Par. xvi. 16], [Par. xvi. 17], [Par. xvi. 18]; padre mio, [Par. xvi. 16], [Par. xvii. 106]; cara mia primizia, [Par. xvi. 22]; cara piota mia, [Par. xvii. 13], and referred to by him as amor paterno, [Par. xvii. 35]; il mio tesoro, [Par. xvii. 121]; he addresses D. as sanguis meus, [Par. xv. 28]; figlio, [Par. xv. 52]; [Par. xvii. 94]; fronda mia, [Par. xv. 88], speaking of himself as la tua radice, [Par. xv. 89]; and refers to him as il mio seme, [Par. xv. 48].

Cacciaguida(Long Entry)

©Oxford University Press 1968. From A Dictionary of Proper Names and Notable Matters in the Works of Dante by Paget Toynbee (1968) by permission of Oxford University Press