Toynbee "Cacciaguida" |
R. Davidsohn (GvF, i, p. 440, n. 2) cites a document dated April
28, 1131, in which there is mention of one Cacciaguida, son of
('Cacciaguide filii Adami'), whom he identifies with Dante's
great-great-grandfather. [See M. Barbi, BSDI,
(1899), 207; for the date of Cacciaguida's birth,
E. Moore, SiD, iii, pp.59-60, who argues for the year
1091, on the basis of
D. places Cacciaguida in the Heaven of Mars among those who fought for the faith (Spiviti Militanti), [Par. xv. 135]; his spirit is spoken of as astro, [Par. xv. 20]; gemma, [Par. xv. 22]; lume, [Par. xv. 31, 52]; spirto, [Par. xv. 38]; luce, [Par. xvi. 30] [Par. xvii. 28, 121]; santa lampa, [Par. xvii. 5]; anima santa, [Par. xvii. 101]; specchio beato, [Par. xviii. 2]; fulgor santo, [Par. xviii. 25]; el, [Par. xviii. 28]; alma, [Par. xviii. 50]; he is addressed by D. as vivo topazio, [Par. xv. 85]; voi, [Par. xvi. 16], [Par. xvi. 17], [Par. xvi. 18]; padre mio, [Par. xvi. 16], [Par. xvii. 106]; cara mia primizia, [Par. xvi. 22]; cara piota mia, [Par. xvii. 13], and referred to by him as amor paterno, [Par. xvii. 35]; il mio tesoro, [Par. xvii. 121]; he addresses D. as sanguis meus, [Par. xv. 28]; figlio, [Par. xv. 52]; [Par. xvii. 94]; fronda mia, [Par. xv. 88], speaking of himself as la tua radice, [Par. xv. 89]; and refers to him as il mio seme, [Par. xv. 48].
Among the spirits in the Heaven of Mars one (that of Cacciaguida)
makes itself known to D. as an ancestor of his
There is considerable difference of opinion as to the precise date of Cacciaguida's birth, the indications given by D. ([Par. xvi. 34-39]) being variously interpreted. Cacciaguida says that from the Incarnation of Christ down to the day of his own birth the planet Mars had returned to the sign Leo 580 times (or 553 times, according as trenta or tre be read in [Par. xvi. 38]), i.e. had made that number of revolutions in its orbit. The questions involved are twofold -- (a) as to the reading, trenta or tre; (b) as to whether the period of the revolution of Mars: is to be estimated at about two years. as given by Brunetto Latini ({Lat. Trésors i. 110}) and implied by D. in the Convivio II. xiv. 16, or at the correct period, as given by Alfraganus, of 687 days approximately (actually, according to Witte, 686 days, 22 hrs., 24 min.). If we read trenta (with the majority) and take the period of Mars at the estimate of Alfraganus, we get (due regard being given to leap-years) the year 1091 as the date of Cacciaguida's birth. If, on the other hand, we read tre, and put the period of Mars at two years, we get the year 1106. In the former case Cacciaguida would have been 56, in the latter 41, at the time when he joined Conrad III on the Second Crusade (1147) and met his death ([Par. xv. 139-148]). Several of the old commentators (Anonimo Fiorentino, Buti, Landino, etc.), reading trenta and computing the period of Mars at two years, bring the date of Cacciaguida's birth to 1160, i.e. thirteen years after his death! while Benvenuto, who avoids this error, brings it to 1154, which on his own showing (since he gives 1154 as the date of the Crusade) would make Cacciaguida a Crusader at the age of 100!
Cacciaguida indicates ([Par. xvi. 40-42]) the situation of the
in which he and his ancestors lived in Florence, as being 'in the
place where the last ward is reached by him who runs in your
game', i.e. on the boundary of the district known later as the
Sesto di Porta san Piero. The house of the Elisei
({Villani, iv. 11})
stood not far from the junction of the Mercato Vecchio and the
Corso, apparently just at the angle formed on the N. side of the
present Via de' Speziali by its intersection with the Via de'
Calzaioli. The Sesto di Porta san Piero
appears, as Bitte observes, to have been the last of the city
divisions to be traversed by the competitors in the annual
gioco, who entered the city probably at the Porta san
Pancrazio, close to where the Palazzo Strozzi now stands, crossed
the Mercato Vecchio, and finished in the Corso which was thence so
called. [Cf. M. Barbi, BSDI, iv (1896), 2.]