text of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's English verse translation
The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, Houghton, Mifflin Co.: Boston
and New York, 1895, available as part of the ILTweb
Digital Dante Project
cantos (Inf. 1-6) of Karl Witte German verse translation, first
published 1875, here used in a reprint of 1921, available on Erik Pischel's
homepage (work in progress)
translation by Richard Lansing (1998), available as part of the ILTweb
Digital Dante Project. Source: Richard Lansing, Il Convivio (The Banquet),
translation with introduction and notes, and Italian verse text, New York
[et al.]: Garland Publishing, 1990 (= Garland Library of Medieval Literature,
Ser. B, no. 65), xxxi+274 pp.
Latin texts (complete), together with Italian translations (under
construction, so far available: VI, IX, XII, XIII) and introductions,
supplied by Giuseppe Bonghi and Maria Adele Garavaglia for I.T.I.S. «G. Fauser» - Progetto Dante. The Latin text is based, with Bonghi's revisions, on Angelo Jacomuzzi, Epistole, in: Opere minori di Dante Alighieri, vol. II, Torino: UTET, 1986 (= Classici italiani), p.323-469, who in turn had reproduced the text of Ermengildo Pistelli, Epistole, in: Le opere di Dante. Testo critico della Società Dantesca Italiana, Firenze 1921, p.381-415
Selected Letters:
Epistula VI (to the Florentines):
Toynbee's Latin text and English translation, available as part of the Online Library of the ILTweb Digital Dante Project. Source: Paget Toynbee, Dantis
Alagherii Epistolae. The Letters of Dante. Emended Text, with
Introduction, Translation, Notes and Indices, and Appendix on the Cursus, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1920