noble and wealthy family of N. Italy, whose chief possessions lay
in the Val di Magra in Lunigiana.
The earliest member of the family referred to by D. is Currado I,
known as l'antico,
[Purg. viii. 119, ][Malaspina, Currado_1]; his grandson,
Currado II da Villafranca, known as 'il Giovane', is placed among
the Negligent Princes in the valley of flowers in Ante-Purgatory,
[Purg. viii. 65, 118, ][Malaspina, Currado_2]; another grandson,
Moroello III da Giovagallo, is referred to as vapor di Val di
[Inf. xxiv. 145],
[Malaspina, Moroello].
The family in general is spoken of in very laudatory terms by D.
in conversation with Currado II (in Ante-Purgatory).